Reader Views Kids Reviewer Application Form

Mailing Address

Genres - Select the genres your child is interested in reading

Review Material
Select ALL types of materials you will review*

Types of Reviews
Note: All reviewers start as regular reviewers, then have the option of doing express and awards reviews after a trial period. There is a stipend for express and awards reviews.
Select ALL types of reviews you are interested in

I have read the reviewer guidelines and I am willing to commit to follow them. I understand that once a review is presented to Reader Views, it becomes the property of Reader Views. Reader Views will hold the copyright to all reviews submitted. By placing my name in the space below I certify that I will adhere to this promise and consider this a legal document.

If I resign from reviewing for Reader Views and I have not completed reviewing the publications assigned to me, I will return said publications to Reader Views within 7 days of my resignation of pay for the books at a retail price plus the cost of return shipping. This same contract will apply if i do not provide a review within 4 weeks of receipt of publication.

By placing my name in the space below I certify that I will adhere to this promise and consider this a legal document.

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